Gunday Brunch 118: Real Stopping Power
One of the things that has infected people’s brains is a Hollywood-influenced idea of how human beings react to injury.
One of the things that has infected people’s brains is a Hollywood-influenced idea of how human beings react to injury.
It’s 1975. You’re a badass cop/guard/armored car robber. What’s your loadout?
Is saying “cringe” cringe? Are we old? Well seeing as some of us are going to be eligible to be on the C&R list in a few years, maybe it is. But today the boys are talking about whether or not C&R licenses are cool.
The boys are back, and they’re talking about the best film of 2023: John Wick 4. Listen as Keith and Caleb go round-robin discussing what they liked and didn’t like from the film.
The boys are back and they’re talking about the best sort of etiquette for when your gun friends visit from out of town. Should you have a loaner burner on hand? Spare ammo? Let us find out
If you don’t immediately start singing the song, you’re too young for this episode. Today the boys are talking about the basic essential guns: what are the four guns every gun owner should start with?
Guys let’s be honest. The M14 was the worst 308 battle rifle and the only reason people still love it is because they don’t know anything about shooting.
Today we’re joined by Tessah from the YouTube channel @armedandstyled2117 – she is a squared away educator teaching about self-defense and concealed carry
The guys go deep today on the idea of home defense and expand the conversation past gear to include mindset and strategy.
If you’ve been on Instagram for like 2 seconds recently, you’ve seen that all the influencer types are suddenly rocking 2011s. Which are neat and everything, but what about alternatives? What are the options if you can’t afford or don’t want a 2011?