Gunday Brunch 77: No, we won’t be running out of ammo Mr. Ranger
Today’s topics: Don’t take self-defense advice from a Power Ranger, we’re never running out of bullets, and birds aren’t real
Today’s topics: Don’t take self-defense advice from a Power Ranger, we’re never running out of bullets, and birds aren’t real
This week the boys are feeling their age, as they wonder about certain trends in the firearms community and why they’re so old that they just don’t get them.
The boys are all back, and this week we’re talking about times that they were “that guy.” You all know that guy. We’ve all been that guy. Share your stories in the comments or via email!
All three of the boys are back, and this week we’re talking about marketing. That’s right, some of the good, bad, and ugly of marketing in the firearms industry, a topic they all know a bit about!
Hey, Halloween is coming up and you’re going to want to dress up, right? Don’t be that guy that has the lame gun guy costume. Be awesome instead with our helpful tips.
Jack is currently getting a full body blood transfusion after going into the woods with a spooky goth girl, so Caleb and Keith are left to their own devices to discuss the new Glock AR15 that has been floating around the internet.
Today the boys start off by immediately going off the rails and talking about dinosaurs and special effects. Eventually, Jack saves the episode by bringing it around to the original topic, which is the most amazing loot drop in history, where a couple found some legit M16s in milsurp crates. Oh also we talk about…
In this episode of Gunday Brunch, the boys are describing their “I wish the industry made this gun” and accidentally end up building guns for a cyberpunk fire team. But this week we have a special giveaway! Post your “I wish the industry made this gun” in the comments and you could win a gift…
Welcome to the nicest episode of Gunday Brunch you’ll ever hear. We’re just nice to everyone on this one, except for people who think the 2011 makes a good duty gun. Caleb goes in on those guys a bit.
The boys have a guest, and it’s award winning author, gun nerd, and Post Malone’s neighbor Larry Correia, author of the Monster Hunter International series and many many many more books! One of those books is soon to be released non-fiction, In Defense of the Second Amendment, and you can pre order that at this…