Gunday Brunch 127: Shotguns
Join Caleb as he goes into a 12 minute unscripted rant about why shotguns are awesome for home defense, and since Jack and Keith aren’t here, they can’t stop him!
Join Caleb as he goes into a 12 minute unscripted rant about why shotguns are awesome for home defense, and since Jack and Keith aren’t here, they can’t stop him!
If you’re not familiar with the Hot/Crazy Matrix, you need to fix that right away. Today the boys are all back, and we’re rating battle rifles on the hot/crazy scale. Is your favorite too crazy for its level of hotness? Find out.
Welcome back to part 2 of Caleb’s interview with Melody Lauer of Citizen’s Defense Research! In this episode they take an even deeper dive into CCW tips for parents. If you’d like to train with Melody, you can! Just search for “Citizens Defense Research Eventbrite” on google
This week, Caleb has Melody back on the show as they talk about concealed carry tips for parents. For more information on Melody, check out Citizens Defense Research.
40 caliber has been on a slow decline for a while now. In this episode, Caleb takes a brief look at what he thinks the future of 40 is. It’s not bright if you love the caliber.
Welcome back to part 2 of Melody Lauer’s interview with former Green Beret and professional home invader Chris Cypert. In this episode Chris and Melody continue their discussion on self defense and home defense topics
Welcome to a very special Gunday Brunch, where Melody Lauer, founder and president of Citizens Defense Research, interviews former Green Beret and professional home invader Chris Cypert. Chris talks about home defense strategies and other relevant self defense topics.
In this episode, the boys are talking about the toxic mindset you see among some CCW people: “I don’t want to go there because I can’t carry”
In this episode, the boys do eventually talk about dumb gun control takes, but to get there we go through a valley of fighter jets and submachine guns first. Also Wyatt Earp was a gun grabber
One of the things that has infected people’s brains is a Hollywood-influenced idea of how human beings react to injury.